Internet marketers and social media managers are easy prey to a terrible disease: early adopter syndrome.
It’s tough to stay focused on the job at hand when the online world is abuzz with chatter about the newest tool promising to turn you into a graphics artist overnight or instantly make you an internet zillionaire.
Early adopter syndrome causes otherwise sound business strategies to disintegrate. It confuses the medium for the message and causes people to believe that shares, likes, and plus one signs are as valuable as sales.
They are not.
If your social media manager balks at the idea of documenting return on investment, fire her.
If your advertising or marketing manager can’t tell you why the time spent on shiny toys is important to increasing your conversion rate, find someone else.
Never, ever, never confuse activity with productivity. And never, ever, never take your eyes of the ball.
That ball, for a business, has one word on it: Sales.
You see, the unrecognized trap is the most dangerous trap of all.
>Never, ever, never confuse activity with productivity.
Such an easy trap to fall into, especially with yourself. Filling your day with a ton of busywork makes you feel good, but doesn’t really help you out much in the long run. Outsource the busywork and take care of the really important things yourself. Your time is valuable, so you should… value it.
Theodore Nwangene
I couldn’t have agreed more Don,
The people you employed to work for you really need to be very productive so they can always get results. Yes, there are always so many distractions out there but thats not an excuse not to do their work.
Like you said, being busy is not really the same as being productive and if they spends most of their time on things that will not bring sales then, whats the need in having them?
Thanks for sharing.