I wanted to call it the “Google Knowledge Panel,” but Bing offers it too. That’s a mistake I see quite often: People put all their efforts into Google search engine optimization (SEO) and ignore Bing.
Here’s the scoop:
Knowledge Panels are auto-generated in both Google and Bing search results. They pull information from various sources to give you plenty of data about the person, place, or thing you’re searching for. The Google My Business listing is a type of Knowledge Panel, but it’s not the only type.
For instance, search Google for “Mister Rogers,” and you’ll see a Personal Knowledge Panel show up on the right side of the search engine results page (SERP).
Run the same search via the Bing search engine, and you’ll get similar results. But … here’s the intriguing part … that prime space listing on the first page of the SERP didn’t cost a dime. It’s a free service of Google and Bing.
Are your mental wheels turning? What if YOU rated a Personal Knowledge Panel (and you can). Would that help your personal branding a bit? I already know the answer. Showing up in a Personal Knowledge Panel can help you in all sorts of ways.
So, here’s what’s up:
I won’t go into it too deeply now, but a certain incident got me interested in how to get your own Personal Knowledge Panel (Google or Bing) and how to optimize it once you’ve got it.
I’m in the midst of that research now and plan to publish my findings as a Personal Knowledge Panel Field Guide soon. If you want a copy, get your name and address on the list (see below), and I’ll make sure you get one FREE. I hope you’ll respond with feedback before it gets published for public consumption, but I won’t make you promise that.
All you need, right now, is the desire to know more. And I believe that’s the kind of person you are: always growing, learning, and moving forward.
Me too.
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